Daily use products

Daily use products

Based on United Nations statistics, an estimated 8 million tons of plastic waste, equivalent to one truckload per minute, finds its way into the ocean annually. Recognizing the urgent need to address this pressing environmental issue, the United Nations designated the theme of World Environment Day 2018 as "Beat Plastic Pollution," emphasizing the critical importance of safeguarding marine life and preserving the environment.
As a pertinent example, the increased reliance on food delivery services amidst the pandemic has led to a proliferation of disposable plastic products. This surge poses a significant threat to the survival of wildlife, prompting actions to mitigate its impact.
In response to this escalating concern, the Thai government has implemented measures to combat plastic pollution by prohibiting the use of foam plastic packaging and disposable plastics within national parks. Violators of this regulation face substantial fines, with penalties amounting to 100,000 baht, highlighting the seriousness with which authorities are addressing the issue.

The aviation sector is experiencing a gradual recovery following three years of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, amidst this resurgence, the enduring challenges of meeting Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) requirements persist. Among these challenges is the ongoing discourse surrounding the utensils utilized onboard aircraft. Presently, such utensils predominantly consist of either disposable plastics or recyclable stainless steel. While the recyclable stainless steel option aligns with environmental objectives, its weight contributes to heightened fuel costs, thereby posing a competitive disadvantage within the aviation industry. Conversely, disposable plastic utensils present difficulties in decomposition and have long been identified as an environmental burden.

Suppliers within the aviation sector have been actively seeking consumable utensils that seamlessly integrate both environmental sustainability and robustness. EnCellules presents a solution by incorporating pineapple fiber powder of precise dimensions into BIOPBS bioplastic. This innovative approach allows for customization tailored to the specific requirements of various airlines, ensuring the creation of utensils that embody both environmental responsibility and long-lasting durability.